Thursday, June 10, 2010

WoW Hunters

From the Horde, the Orcs prevail as Hunters and also prefer the bow. They learned their task from the trolls inhabiting the forests of Lordaeron. The mighty Tauren are natural hunters and can move silently, belying their size and strength.

As WoW Guide To explains, WOW Hunters also include mystic abilities to enhance the damage done by their weapons and require tuition in magic. Their spells focus on the elements and the land calling upon spirits to aid them and wind and fire to add power to their arm. A steady supply of MANA is required to keep the Hunter at their peak. As health is the source of strength and vitality, MANA is the source of magical power and needs to be replenished regularly

The WoW hunter maintains a deep connection between man and beast, and is not merely an individual who tracks animals to slay them for food. However one of the Hunter’s strongest attributes is their ability to capture and train animals to do their bidding. Starting with overcoming the animals will, they quickly grow a lifelong bond with their pets who become more friend than animal until the two develop an almost uncanny ability to sense the needs of the other. They will protect each other to the death.

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