Tuesday, June 1, 2010

WoW Leatherworking Guide

In the WoW Universe many of the professions are linked into a gatherer/crafting relationship.
WoW Leatherworking Guide advises that Leatherworking goes well with skinning, which provides the leather for making goods. Mining links well with Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting and Engineering. Herbalism is the gathering process for alchemy and Inscription and tailoring and Enchanting also pair up very well together.

In WoW Leatherworking you will be able to craft leather and mail armour out of the skins and hide of wild beasts. The WoW Leatherworking Guide tells us that some classes can either only wear leather armour or need to train to wear heavier duty metal. So a good leatherworker is always wanted.

You can also create armour kits of various levels that help to bolster the protection of other pieces of armour made from all kinds of materials and this again is a source of income and a way to help the levelling process.

Leatherworkers can also create miscellaneous items, such as the highly sought after Riding Crop which will, increase the riding speed of your mount.

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