The above-ground pool cleaning robot that virtually pays for itself
The Aquabot Pool Rover Junior, just what you want for your aboveground pool. The Pool Rover could just be your next best friend.
A pool is for relaxing in after a long day, not for spending time with cleaning chores during your free time. Having your own robot to do the cleaning while you relax just has to be a good thing. You could even take a swim while the Pool Rover is busy.
If you want to, you can always clean your pool by hand. I am sure you have seen this. The hose dance. Drag the hoses, lay them out carefully and then attach them. Have you ever noticed how attaching them always seems to be in an area that you have to be double-jointed to reach?
Now how long can you leave the cleaner before you have to go check on it? The Aquabot Rover has no hoses to catch on a step or a drain so it will complete its task. In addition, it won't reduce the water pressure resulting in you having to take the filter apart and clean it. Is this all familiar to you? You know how long cleaning the filters can take, and now of course you have wasted water, time, chemicals and money and all you were trying to do was clean your pool.
Isn't this all more than you need?
What you need is the worlds#1 selling robotic pool cleaner for flat-bottomed, aboveground, swimming pools "Pool Rover Junior" is just so uncomplicated to use and it will clean ANY flat-bottomed aboveground pool configuration perfectly. All you need to do is attach the power and press go... and away it goes.
It works in a similar way to a house vacuum, all the debris is held in a self-contained microfilter bag that holds 23 quarts and the internal pump vacuums in everything from pine needles to palm leaves to pollen. The water passing through the microfilter bag gets forced out of the rear of the Rover and, just like a jet ski, propels it along.
NO costly wearable parts; NO connection to the pool filtration system.
The powerful outward thrust also has a number of additional added benefits.
* It ensures that chemicals in suspension below the surface spread properly. This will minimise chemical use whilst maximising cost savings and hygiene.
* It enables warmer water above to mix with cooler water below. This will reduce heat loss, save energy, save water and will also mean that you won't get that shock of diving into really cold water.
The Aquabot Pool Rover will save you money, save you time and will give you clean healthy water to swim in.
* It is very lightweight. Once the Aquabot Pool Rover is in the pool just press the start button and let it do its thing. It's that straight forward!
* The guidance system is so easy, it allows the Rover to clear the floor of any flat-bottomed pool, whatever the shape.
* Aquabot Pool Rover Junior's extra-wide non-marring wheels allow it to roll over ripples and foot printed vinyl pool bottoms.
* Aquabot Pool Rover Junior is self-contained. There are no hoses to look after, get out and put away and it doesn't link up to your pool less cleaning as well.
* It is so simple to use and clean. Everything from large leaves to algae as small as 2 microns is removed and the microfilter bag is easily emptied and reusable.
* It is quite possible to see a reduction of up to 50% from your total maintenance bills (chemical, water and energy) by using the Aquabot Pool Rover. It virtually pays for itself!!
* Aquabot Pool Rover Junior is built to last and will serve you well for many years.