Friday, July 2, 2010

Recipies for the Cooking Pot

To get started you will need to find a Cooking trainer. All WoW characters are NPC’s (computer generated character) and you can interact with them in many different ways. Try it as you wonder through the game. Ask a guard in any city and they will be able to give you directions. Unlike many trainers, cooks are often found indoors, often in the inns. They will certainly be near be near a fire or cooking pot.

Of course the first, and most necessary, item to obtain is flint and tinder to be able to create a campfire to cook on. Also available to cook on are stoves, braziers or a fireplace.

Obtaining recipes and/or cook books is also necessary. These can be obtained in many ways including your Cooking Trainer, other players, merchants and as a reward after a quest, as loot from a monster or from a chest. They can also be obtained during special holidays. The more recipes you have the quicker you will be able to level and the more healing you will be able to perform. Auction houses also sell recipes for sale

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